
Moms are MUCH loved members of the family – they are adored pets first and foremost, not “breeders.”  They live closely with me, act as my class demo dogs, work as therapy dogs, sleep in my bed with me every night, and in general make my life a whole lot better just by being here.  ♥

If a girl’s name is underlined, you can read a LOT more about her by clicking her name; that will take you to her very own page with lots more photos and details.


Freya is a small standard tri-color poodle. Tri-color means she is a black and white parti with tan “points” – that means eyebrows, cheeks, etc. Much more obvious and visual when she was a puppy! Click her name to see her adult and puppy pics. Freya is about 43 pounds and stands about 22.5″ tall. When bred to a small moyen sire, like Blaze or Zeke, will give us our 25-35 lb moyen puppies! She’s an amazingly sweet, super gentle girl who is a calm, easy lovebug.  Click her name above to read all about her and to see more photos.

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Tilly is an apricot and white moyen sized parti poodle (parti just means she is white with patches of color!).  She is right around 30-32 pounds. She is out of my Freya, a black tri-color (some call that coloring a black and white phantom) and Zeke, a red and white parti. She’s calm but playful, super affectionate and mushy, happy, and is a major snugglebug. Watch for her pups in late 2025/early 2026! Click her name above to read all about her and to see many more photos.

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Talia is gorgeous moyen sized sable poodle. She is just a puppy yet, but I expect her to mature at somewhere around 27 pounds and likely about 18″ tall. She is out of my Freya, a black tri-color (some call that coloring a black and white phantom) and Blaze, a solid-colored apricot small moyen. Talia has a fantastic temperament; she’s calm (as puppies go!), super easy, housebroke in a flash. smart, and affectionate. Watch for her pups in 2026! Click her name above to read all about her and to see many more photos.


Retired mamas

Prairie Dawn

Prairie is a moyen-sized cafe au lait and white parti poodle who is 27 pounds and about 18.5″ tall.  She’s a super sweet, easy, calm girl who is a major tail wagger. She’s out of my own Charm and Dakota.   Click her name above to read all about her and to see more photos.

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Charm is a moyen-sized black and white parti poodle (29 pounds, 18.5 inches tall) who absolutely lives up her name. Click her name above to read all about her and to see more photos.

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Hazel is a small standard, silver beige and white parti poodle who is just about 39 pounds and about 22″ tall. She’s a calm, incredibly sweet, happy girl.

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Kitty is a moyen-sized silver brindle poodle who weighs 28 pounds.

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